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Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


48 Hour Film Fest

After a multi-year hiatus, my film production team, Cinema Geeks decided to hang out for a weekend last August and make a film for the Denver 48 Hour Film Project. And after an arduous but hysterical 2 days, our final product, THE MOVEMENT, won Best Film for Denver, meaning it would go on to compete internationally at Filmapalooza in Lisbon, Portugal this past March. And competing against dozens of amazing short films from around the world, our film won 3rd Place overall, as well as being nominated for Best Acting Ensemble and Cinematography! In addition, the film was chosen to be one of the representative films shown as part of the Cannes short film Festival in May!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


Gold Rush Scratch

Well this bushy beard keeps payin' off! Check out the series of spots I just shot for the 

Colorado Lottery! I play Jeremiah the Miner in their Gold Rush Scratch commercials! Thanks so much to Hamilton Casting, Cactus Marketing, and the Colorado Lottery! YEE-HAW!!!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


Get Your Springtime Rock On!

Hey Music and/or Jordan Lovers! SQUARE UNTOLD is playing another live show! Click the link for tickets or reach out to me for a discount! It's at the legendary Herman's Hideaway on Broadway in Denver. June 3rd. We start at 7:30, so early enough for you to getcher rock on AND getcher PJs on at a decent hour!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


They like it. They really like it.

"Jordan Leigh plays the crazy cheese-seeking Ben Gunn with total abandon. He immediately stirs the pot with his appropriate over-the-top antics... and his rendition of the musical number 'Ben Gunn' nearly stops the show dead in its tracks."

-Eric Fitzgerald, ON STAGE COLORADO

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

ARRRR!! Back to bein' a pirate in TREASURE ISLAND

Opens April 28!

Excited to announce that I'll be doing my best version of a sun-bleached, treasure-obsessed castaway in the new musical version of TREASURE ISLAND upcoming at the Aurora Fox Arts Center. This is the regional premiere in Colorado! Portraying the marooned Skeleton Island pirate, Benn Gunn, I'm sinking my character acting teeth into his dreams of cheese! Get your tickets below!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh



Hey check out SQUARE UNTOLD's submission to the NPR Tiny Desk Contest! We chose our folk-blues song, "Learn From Mistakes" since it was the easiest to pare down for an acoustic version, since part of the requirement for Tiny Desk is to (you guessed it), perform the song in front of a tiny desk! In other words, not a lot of room for our typical live rock set-up! But it's a nice break from the amplification sometimes!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


More Gigs to Come Soon!

We had a blast at Moe's! Thanks to all who came out and made it a 

sold-out show! Click for our video compilation of the show!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


7:30 pm Saturday February 4

Our last gig got Covid-cancelled, but we're back, and ready to sooth what ails yer winter blues! Come for the all-ages show at Moe's BBQ 3295 S. Broadway in Englewood! We go on at 7:30 pm, so you can be home and dreaming Square Untold dreams by 9:00! Send me a message for earlybird discound presale tix! 

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Great Reviews For SMALL BALL!

Runs through 11/19!

"Jackson is played by Jordan Leigh, making his debut with The Catamounts. Leigh expertly navigates the tragic comedy of a man who is too small for his ambitions, and his character’s unraveling is easily one of the most entertaining aspects of the show."

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


Small Ball

Super excited to be playing the role of Phil Jackson in this regional premiere of Mickel Maher's surreal comedy musical, SMALL BALL, with The Catamounts theatre company here in Denver. This show will be unlike anything you've experienced! More to come soon!

In a nutshell: Michael Jordan (not THAT Michael Jordan) is a journeyman basketball  player whose latest contract is with the Lilliputian Existers (yes, THAT  Lilliput--the one from the satirical 18th century novel Gulliver's  Travels by Jonathan Swift.) The team isn't doing so well. Michael Jordan won't pass a regulation size basketball to his 6-inch teammates for  fear of squashing them. And the post-game press conferences are getting  rough.   With book and lyrics by Catamounts favorite Mickle Maher, and music by  avant-rock duo Anthony Barilla and Merel van Dijk, SMALL BALL was  birthed from the question: "What about a basketball musical?" 

Running 10/29-11/20 at Buntport Theater.

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


July 7, 2022

Hey live music fans! (And Jordan fans!) SQUARE UNTOLD has a live gig THIS Saturday 7/16 at YOUR MOM'S HOUSE. (Yes, that's the name of the venue.) We go on around 8:00 pm before three other great bands! Stay for a bit or close that S%*T! 


Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh


Don't blink or you'll miss me!

The trailer for the indie pic I appeared in last summer, Happy Birthday Charlie is out! I play the role of Larry, a greasy dirtbag autoshop owner. Considering the fact that I know next to nothing about cars... well... ACTING! 

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Cross-Section from SQUARE UNTOLD's first gig!

May 5, 2022

We had a rockin' time gigging at Moe's on Broadway back in March! Keep eyes posted for upcoming gigs here or on our Band Page (and like and follow and share and stuff): 


Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

New Music Project (It's not a dad-band man!!)

February 2, 2022

Sometimes a guy has to get off the musical theatre stage and rock the mic. SQUARE UNTOLD, is my new music project with four other amazing musician/songwriters with whom I've collaborated in the past. This band combines multiple styles and genres of music, driven by our desire to express ourselves with lyrical and melodic authenticity. Our first performance will be at Moe's in Englewood on Saturday March 12th. Unlike some of my past bands, this one shouldn't make your ears bleed and won't start at midnight, so come on out! @squareuntoldband

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Successful Witch Trials....

'The Crucible Reviews'

"Jordan Leigh was absolutely merciless as Danforth, the Chief Judge in the hearings and trials of the villagers. He twists and turns everyone’s testimony back at them so that every defense they offered only made each situation worse. His cold eyes freeze those brought before him for judgement as they realize there is no hope in this courtroom."

-Boulder Magazine

"Leigh is an icily menacing Judge Danforth, a man who sends dozens of Salem residents accused of witchcraft to the gallows with a cruelty, coldness and righteousness that calls to mind Shakespeare's stiff-spined Angelo in Measure for Measure, only Angelo is a patsy compared to Leigh's stomach-churning magistrate."

-Mark Ragan

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

WITCH HUNT!! (Too soon?)

August 17, 2021

In a show that was set to run in the spring of 2020, we're now heading forward in the Fall of '21! Couldn't be more excited to join this ensemble as Deputy Govenor Danforth in Arthur Miller's classic, The Crucible in my first ever show at Miner's Alley Playhouse in Golden. Click below for tickets!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Acting in a new Feature Film!

July 29, 2021

Got to lend my chops to the role of "Larry" in the feature, Happy Birthday Charlie. Great to be on set again for the first time post-quarantine! 

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Voiceover for REBEL HEARTS Documentary at Sundance!

January 28, 2021

Honored to add voice work to this stellar documentary premiering at the Sundance Film Festival this year! Check out the film and support the festival! Or check out their website for more screenings to come!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

ROOK Digital and DVD/Blu-Ray release is Imminent!

August 6, 2020

Yo! It's time to pre-order your copy (or viewing) of the

Colorado-based film, ROOK that I co-star in as James the Minnow! It's available on August 11th on iTunes for streaming and on Amazon for DVD and Blu-Ray purchase. Other streaming platforms to come later. If you like Guy Ritchie and Tarantino, this'll be right up your alley! Check out the film site by clicking below! #FilmInColorado

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Documentary Narration for an extremely important subject... Water!

July 28, 2020

Check out Water, Water Everywhere, the new documentary I narrated for PBS about all the really significant water issues on the Colorado River and what they're doing to hopefully solve the problems. Directed and produced by award-winning documentarian filmmaker, Len Aitken.

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Kickass New Trailer for ROOK!

March 9, 2020

Teaser trailer is out for the film, ROOK. I play the part of James the Minnow. Watch for the maniacal priest. It's hard to miss!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

The Reviews Are In!

March 4, 2020

"Walking the tightrope of sly intellect and wry humor, Jordan Leigh nails the role of Albert Einstein with a performance that’s indelible!"

-David Marlowe (Marlowe's Musings)

"Leigh gives an outstanding, truly brilliant performance as Einstein, owning the show. Everything about his performance cries out "lively and authentic..." -Patrick Dorn (Denver Area Theatre Reviews)

"Leigh's Einstein exudes the avuncular warmth, simplicity, and directness for which the elder Einstein was known..."

   -Bob Bows (

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

E=mc2 (Einstein = ME x CHARACTER squared!)

February 28, 2020

That's right! I'm gonna get to embody one of the most iconic (and challenging) characters in history!

SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE and Other Songs (by Marc Acito!) is a beautiful play about the true story friendship between Albert Einstein and opera singer, Marian Anderson. (Click link for synopsis and tix!) I had the privilege of working earlier in 2019 at the new AURORA FOX ARTS CENTER, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be performing there again in this amazing role!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Gutter Punk at its gutter punkiest...

May 9, 2019

Got to transform into Randy, a gutter-punk sage for the short film, Wayward Son, shot in New Mexico. *Note that my "Daisy" forehead tattoo is the name of my dear old 16 year-old pup. (It helps to personalize.)

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Kick-Ass Cast! Kick-Ass Review for LIFE SUCKS!

March 6, 2019

Not that an actor should ever read reviews, but....

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

"LIFE SUCKS."(But this play doesn't!)

February 15, 2019

So excited to be co-starring in this run of Aaron Posner's, fantastically funny and poignant play, LIFE SUCKS, running for four weeks from 2/21-3/17 at the Aurora Fox Arts Center, in Aurora, CO.

From the press release: "This brash and revelatory reworking of “Uncle Vanya” finds a group of old friends, ex-lovers, estranged in-laws and lifelong enemies gathering to grapple with life’s thorniest questions… and each other. What could possibly go wrong? Called “sassy yet heartfelt” by The Washington Post and “altogether wise, profoundly humane and hilarious” by the Chicago Sun Times, this is not any Chekov you know. Never has unhappiness been so much fun."

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Finally the Trailer, Theatrical, and Digital Release for the feature, STADIUM ANTHEMS!!

November 30, 2018

Super stoked to announce the release of the Rock n' Roll film I co-starred in, STADIUM ANTHEMS! Click on the link to take you directly to Amazon to stream instantly (for a like, ya know, a nominal streaming fee.) Also screening for a week at the Arena Cinelounge in Los Angeles beginning November 30th! 

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Shootem Up! (While filming the indie feature, ROOK!)

November 1, 2018

Had a blast (literally) shooting the indie feature film, ROOK. Written and directed by an all-Colorado team and starring almost entirely an all-Colorado cast, the film is billed as a "modern day western". Once again, I play a maniacal character, (James the Minnow). But THESE are the FUN roles, people!! Shot in Victor and Cripple Creek, Colorado over the course of two weeks, the producers are planning a spring 2019 premiere! Keep you posted!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

An Actor AND An Agent???

September 1, 2018

Pleased to announce an exciting new chapter in my entertainment life!! In addition to recently signing on as an actor with one of Denver's oldest and most highly respected talent agencies, Donna Baldwin Agency, I've also become their Voice-Over Agent!! As a voice talent myself for 22 years (what???) as well as a voice coach and demo producer, I'm thrilled to be able to use that wealth of experience to help facilitate VO success for other talented voice actors as well!!  I'm gonna say that those who DO, make the best teachers AND agents!!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

SHOTGUN Trailer!!

June 4, 2018

Trailer for the new, soon-to-be-released short film, "Shotgun" created by the amazing Hardline Films posse in New Mexico and directed by the uber-talented, Colin A Borden! This is the third time I've portrayed a horrible music industry scumbag in the last two years. Just doin' my part. 🤘

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Seven weeks Rockin' the Rocky Mountains as a Rockstar in my Colorado mountain home away from home heaven?? Ohhhhh yeeeeeaah.....

May 29, 2018

If I can't be an official rockstar in real life, at LEAST I get to play one for a four-week run at the AMAZING, Lake Dillon Theatre Company in Summit County, Colorado in ROCK OF AGES.  Not only do I have the fondest childhood memories of this incredible place just an hour from Denver up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, BUT... my own dearly talented theatre professional, mum, Lennie Singer actually founded this very theatre company 23 years ago when she and my dad moved from California to Colorado. And now, all this time later, her good boy is employed! Way to go, Lennie!  Check out the link for tix now since they sell out fast!! RAWK!!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Workin' the staged workshop of a brand spankin' new show at the Denver Center

April 24, 2018

Had an amazing creative three-week process workshopping and performing a new piece at the Denver Center that's currently in development, called "For The Love Of George" (spoiler alert... I was George). Stay tuned for future news on this project!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Co-Starring in my Fifth Production at the Garner Galleria Theatre through DCPA Broadway!

January 8, 2018

Overjoyed to be back on the Garner Galleria stage at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, co-starring in, FIRST DATE. I recently came to realize that I've spent upwards of 5 1/2 years of my performance life on this stage, and there's nowhere I'd rather call my theatre home! Show runs until 4/22/18, so get your tickets now!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Truly surreal working with Redford and Fonda!

January 8, 2018

What an amazing experience acting (and improvising) with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda in such a moving adaptation of Kent Haruf's final novel, Our Souls At Night for Netflix. Stream it now and forever!!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Second year in a row voicing Colorado Lottery's Bumbling Elf!

December 22, 2017

Such a fun session voicing Colorado Lottery's holiday scratch spots! (No effects were used on my voice! This is all me!)

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Back at the Tony Award-Winning Denver Center for a 5 Month Run!!

July 15, 2017

So happy to announce my return to the Denver Center for the Performing Arts at the Garner Galleria Theatre in November for a 5 month run of the musical, FIRST DATE, that ran on Broadway from '13-'14. This is my same theatre home-away-from-home that I've had the privilege of performing at many times over the years, including in the Colorado's longest, record-setting run (1731 Performances!) of the smash,

I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE, that ran for four years! More to come!!!!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Gettin' bloody for the short film, SHOTGUN!

June 11, 2017

Made my New Mexico film debut in Hardline Films new short, SHOTGUN, playing sleazy L.A. nightclub owner, Herb. (Spoiler alert: I get mangled by a van.)

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Campaign Voice for Anthony's Pizza!!

March 13, 2017

Had a great time voicing Anthony's Pizza and Pasta's new commercial campaign!!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

New Mexico Theatrical Premiere!

March 16, 2017

Happy to announce my first on-stage performance since relocating to New Mexico! Reprising the role of legendary screenwriter, Ben Hecht at the

Adobe Rose Theatre in beautiful Santa Fe in Ron Hutchinson's,

MOONLIGHT & MAGNOLIAS.  I was fortunate to play this role a decade ago at the Arvada Center in Colorado and couldn't be more thrilled to embody this amazing character in this hysterical play! Click the photo or link for more info and tickets!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Signed with new NEW MEXICO representation!!

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Couldn't be happier to announce that I've recently signed with PRESLEY TALENT to represent me in New Mexico!  Truly excited to add another wonderful collaborator in my professional journey in Tina Borek Presley!
Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Gettin' in the Holiday Spirit with the Colorado Lottery!

November 15, 2016

Had a blast voicing the helium-inhaling, mischievous elf for Colorado Lottery's new scratch game ad!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Holy Hollywood Legends! I'm working with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda!

October 6, 2016

So amazing to find myself acting in a scene with both Robert Redford AND Jane Fonda in their upcoming film, OUR SOULS AT NIGHT, directed by Ritesh Batra. Based in the fictional town of Holt, Colorado, some of the film was shot in Cañon City, including the moment when my character, Chris who works at a small town dog shelter, introduces them to their new dog, a wounded border collie. (D'awww...) Needless to say, as an acting experience, it was a bit surreal.  More details to come!!!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Rock n' Roll Feature shot in Denver!

October 14, 2016

Just wrapped co-starring role of Jim Strong in the feature film, STADIUM ANTHEMS.  Check out their IMDB page! More updates as the film gets closer to a release date!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Look Ma, I'm a billboard ad!

August 1, 2016

And occasionally, my goofy mug makes its way onto a billboard adverstisement.

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Moving to the 'Querque!!

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I up and decided to make the move down to Albuquerque, New Mexico!  Hard to say buh-bye to Denver, but it's only a hop, skip (and a 6 hour drive) back!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Peter and the Starcatcher is a smash!

March 31, 2016

Rave reviews for Peter and the Starcatcher at CSFAC!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

World Premiere of, The 12 at the Tony Award-Winning Denver Center!

April 13, 2015

So fortunate to be cast alongside some of Broadway's best as the Apostle, Matt in the World Premiere rock musical, The 12, written by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright (All The Way), Robert Schenkkan for the Denver Center Theatre Company.  Click the pic to view promotional video!

Chris Grundy and Jordan Leigh

Forbidden Broadway at the Denver Center!

November 15, 2015

So thrilled to be co-starring in the newest iteration of the long-running Off-Broadway smash, Forbidden Broadway at the Denver Center. Click the pic for promotional video!

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